An image on the Employee panel will provide a visual reference of the individual directly on the floorplan for users. 'Employee' images are recommended to be 512x512px. The recommended upload format is JPG, however PNG, GIF, BMP and TIF formats are also supported.
All 'Employee' images are resized to 512x512px and are saved as JPEG image files in the 'Project/images' folder in the WorkplaceManagement file directory. Transparency in PNG files will be converted to black.
1. Enter the Employees Edit Mode by clicking the Edit button, then Employees, at the top right of the screen. The edit tools will now appear.
2. Double-click on any Employee panel on the floorplan. This will open a File Upload window.
3. Select an image in the File Explorer and select Open.
4. Select the Save button in the top toolbar when you are finished in Edit Mode.
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